Glynn Tee - Wedding and Event DJ
DJ in Northwich
Wedding DJ in Northwich - Mobile Disco in Northwich - Corporate DJ in Northwich
Karaoke DJ in Northwich - Party DJ in Northwich - Club DJ in Northwich - Race Night in Northwich
Are you planning your Wedding Reception, Corporate Event, private function or race night in Northwich and are looking for a high quality bespoke DJ able to provide you with a superb mobile disco along with professional set-up and hosted in a way that befits your event?
As a mobile DJ, I cover Northwich and surrounding areas.
As a DJ I have nearly two decades of experience as a DJ including work in radio and television.
Primarily, I cover Weddings and Corporate Events but I am equally at home working at Birthdays, Anniversaries, School Proms, Leaving Balls, Hen Nights and other major occasions along with nightclubs and bars.
Take a look around my site and get in touch for a no obligation quote and meeting.
You can telephone me on 01704 531241, email bookings@southportdj.co.uk or fill in my Information Request Form.